
Partiers, thankfully not too raucous: standard St. Paddy’s celebrations I suppose.  I met a couple fun people at the photographers’ open house that invited me out afterward, and I was going to meet up with them at a particular Irish pub.  They offered to share a cab with me but I wanted to put all my excess stuff in my truck instead of carrying it around with me, so I went there first and walked to the place.  Of course they never showed up and I can’t blame them because there was no way we were getting in.  I got what I wanted out of the experience, which was plenty of crowd shots.

Actually as soon as I got there I remembered why I hate the bar scene and shied away from it.  And you don’t find true Celtic culture in a gaggle of slobby drunken Americans that just want a themed party with green Budweiser.  Why do what everyone else already wants to do?  I don’t mind being in crowds but I have to remember that I’ve never benefited from being a part of them.  At the same time, staying home every night watching movies isn’t really much of a life; I just don’t know how to really strike that balance yet.

I never could sit stillI never was too hipI never caught the ride
-Oingo Boingo

2019 jeep tours, Pt.IV

Laying down track and trying to stay ahead.  I’m quite a bit ahead now considering I’m just getting to these photos!  And I suppose the thing is that if I didn’t tell you I shot these nearly 5 years ago you wouldn’t have known that they were that old, right?

This collection has a handful of pictures in it that I really like from a composition standpoint.  As well, a couple of them feature my coworker Curly who is now retired and living in California.