Lamb stew, Guinness

It’s that time of the year again, when the cold weather is upon us and I feel better about eating heavier food.  Also it’s the time of the year when I feel more like cooking in general.

Usually if I make it I’m the only one eating it and while I don’t think I could ever get tired of pub grub I don’t quite make stews, pasties, or pies as much as I did previously.

Good news and bad news with Kodak’s super 8 camera

Nearly 8 years ago Kodak announced that they were going to make a new super 8 camera.  The people who called it vaporware have been disproved, they’re finally announcing its sale on their website, and you can find the info here:

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about Kodak’s new super 8 camera: 2020 I think, when I read an interview with Spike Lee where he had used Kodak’s prototype to film a short during the COVID lockdown in New York.  In the meantime Logmar had an abortive attempt to produce their own version (the Chatham) which failed due to their business model (they were trying to secure enough preorders before they bought the parts they needed) and the price.  That price however, is about the same as what Kodak is planning to charge: $5500.  And at that price, I think I’m OK without one, I might as well get into Super-16.

While this is quite a bit higher than their original announced price, which if I remember correctly was going to be $400-700.  Even if it was $1500-2000 I could swing it I think, but I don’t know if I’m in for $5500, sorry.  I still think this will be a massive success, because this is obviously now targeted at more schools and professionals, who haven’t been able to obtain new equipment in decades.  Evidently universities are by law required to only buy new equipment so I don’t see why film schools all over the country won’t be interested, as well as professional cinematographers, rental houses, etc.

RIP Snake Eater

I learned recently that while I was out of commission during the Summer another of our number passed away.  Snake Eater took his name from the instructors at a Green Beret training camp, as evidently he was among their number.  Besides him being ex-special forces and a Vietnam vet, I don’t know too much about him, except that he did tell me to be very careful about waking him up suddenly.  I can imagine that reflexes die hard.  He did tend to do a lot of napping around the office so it was good advice which we all followed.

Ken, I miss you buddy, and I hope you’re getting plenty of rest now.

Film prices don’t always go up

And the proof: the price of medium format film is going down now, evidently things have leveled out, and dropped too.  As far as 35mm goes it would appear demand is still spiking so I expect that to stay where it is because right now the supply is fixed.  So I guess this would be the time to shoot more 120 film!  Read the full story at Silvergrain Classics:

Film price drop

It’s nice to have good news for a change!

That time Mountain Man broke his arm

Segways can be treacherous even for trained professionals.  I was on hand so I volunteered to take Mountain Man to the hospital.

He was in a lot of pain but still took the time to text his wife one-handed.  At least I assume he was texting his wife.  Who else would you attempt to text with a broken arm?

We were involved in a minor traffic jam along the way, caused by a deranged raccoon, of all things.  I don’t know if the poor little guy had been hit by a car earlier and was in its death throes or what was going on but it evidently wanted to cross the road and decided to do it right as we drove by, so then we had to wait extra time as it was under the Jeep.  Of all the bizarre things that could have happened on the way to the hospital…

I told Mountain Man that I would get his bike out of the visitor center parking lot and waited for someone who could ride a motorcycle to get done with tours.  Thankfully Sketch was available for an extra hour.  Unfortunately he owns something like a Kawasaki and has little experience with the old hogs, which caused additional problems along the way.  Worse for me, he had already taken off his cowboy hat so I missed getting a picture of a cowboy riding a motorcycle.  Oh well.