Rocks and trees

Two staples of living in the mountains.

This is from the only roll of Fuji’s Acros II which I’ve ever shot.  Not that it’s a bad-looking film, but since it’s made by Ilford I have to view it in comparison to FP4 and Delta 100, and wonder if it’s worth it to shoot Acros at all.  And I’m not really well-versed in Acros to know the look of the film and if Acros II is a faithful recreation.

Cowboy Christmas party, 2021

The “moving into our new office” party.  For years I told everyone to wear their best cowboy getup so I can get better pics.  Now it’s become tradition so I don’t need to.

I shot unmetered and just hoped for the best, something I haven’t been doing much recently.  It’s not Tri-X but I think XP2 pulled through for me.